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1.18 Life Lessons

01-31-15_3-03 PM

The next day bright and early David took his little sister to the park in Willow Creek. ” Hey David why are you taking a picture of yourself.”

“To send to Clarissa to make her jealous that we are here and she is stuck at home.”

“That is not nice. I heard her crying last night. She is upset why?”

“Her trouble making blew up in her face. Besides I like being mischievous. Why don’t you go play on the play ground while I go play a game of chess”

“Ok” Amelia said running off to the monkey bars.

01-31-15_3-04 PM

David found an empty seat and sat down.

“Leave no one invited you.” Shouted the woman.

“I just wanted to play a game of chess.”

“I don’t play against teens they are horrible chess players.”

“I think you are scared I’ll beat you.” David spat back at her.

“Your on.” The lady said and went to make her first move.

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Amelia was having a blast on the monkey bars.

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Soon she saw her friend Huy show up. They decided to play pirates.

01-31-15_3-12 PM

Back at home Clarissa waited till her mom was awake and decided she finally needed her moms advice.

“Hey Mom can we talk.”

“Sure sweetie what is up?”

” I just don’t understand why what I did was so wrong. I just wanted a lot of boy friends and to have some fun.”

01-31-15_3-11 PM-2

Clarissa threw her arms up in confusion. Then Pearl sighed and began to speak “Let me put it to you like this. How would you feel if they did the same thing to you. Had more then one girlfriend and thought of you as a play thing.”

“Well I would be pissed.”

“So if that would make you mad what makes you think it is ok for you to do the same thing and want them to be okay with it?”

“I guess it is not fair. I never meant to hurt them I did like both of them. Just not enough to be with just one.”

“Sweetie you have your whole life ahead of you focus on school and what you want to do. You will find love when you least expect it and you will know when he is the one.”

“I guess your right mom. I’ll focus on school I actually have an Idea as to what I’m going to do after I get out of school. I want to be a chef. So can I start cooking the meals.”

“Sure just don’t set the house on fire.”

“I won’t mom.”

01-31-15_3-13 PM

“Thank you for talking to me mom. I am starting to understand what I did was wrong.”

“Anytime sweetie. I’m will always be here if you ever need to talk.”

01-31-15_3-15 PM

True to her word Clarissa started working on school and actually started helping her sister with her homework as well.

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She even started making the family meals even though the first couple of times they family had to fake that they enjoyed it.

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Amelia spends most of her time in her room either playing her violin or drying on her art table.

01-31-15_3-20 PM

David tends to keep to himself unless he is taking his sister to the park. He spends most of his days on the computer trolling the forums and causing mischief.  He wanted to be a writer but he is starting to think causing mischief would be more fun.

01-31-15_3-33 PMWhen Pearl got home from work one night after a getting a promotion she grabbed a bowl of soup and sat down to think. She wasn’t getting any younger and would need to determine who would inherit the house and take over the legacy. She needed to talk to Lee and figure when a good time would be to talk to the teens.

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