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The Founder


Let me Introduce to you Pear Hamilton. She is ambitious, self assured, and a art lover.  This is Pearl’s back story.

Pearl comes from a very wealthy family. She grew up surround by wealth. Her father Preston Hamilton was always looking for the next great investment to earn more money.  He rarely spent anytime with Pearl. Her mother unfortunately past away when Pearl was ten. Her mom  and her were very close. Her mom taught her to never give up on her dreams and never let anyone tell you how to live your life. After her mom pasted away Pearl was devastated but remembered what her mother taught her.  Her dad sent her to boarding school. She only saw her Father on holidays. Once she reached the age of eighteen she came home with tattoos and a whole new outlook on life. She knew she wanted to be a famous bartender that was her dream and that was what she was going to do with her life.

Unfortunately her father had other plans.  The next day after returning home from boarding school her dad had her meet him at his office. He invited her to meet  one of his business partner’s son. His name was Duke West. Her dad told her they would be married and the two companies would merge as one. At this point Pearl was furious at him. She told him that she was not a barging chip for a merger and would never marry Duke and stormed off.

Unfortunately her father didn’t take that very well.  He had already thought out a plan if she refused. Her grandma has owned a plot of land in Oasis Springs which she left to Pearl. So he was going to ship her there and knew that after a day or two out there she would be crawling back to him and agreeing to the marriage. Though Pearl’s father forgot one thing. Pearl was too much like her mother. Her mother never backed down from a challenge and neither would Pearl. This is where her story begins. Enjoy.

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