1.19 The Heir Talk

02-02-15_12-21 PM

She found Lee awake when she headed to bed. “Lee we have to talk about who is going be heir after we are gone.”

“Who do you want it to be.”

“I really don’t know tomorrow is the twins birthday. They will be young adults. I plan to throw a party.  How talk to them in the morning before the party to see what they want. I don’t want them to pressured into it.”

“Ok sweetie that is what we will do. Now how about we head to bed.”

02-02-15_11-06 AM

They next morning over breakfast Pearl decided to bring up the talk to the twins.” So after we all get ready for the party Your dad and I want to talk to you two about something. Can you meet us in the living room around 11 am.”

“Sure but what is this all about mom?” Clarissa asked.

“You will find out when we meet.”

“This is weird mom why don’t you tell us now.”

” I want to do it with your father.”

“Ok” the twins said in unison.

02-02-15_10-57 AM

So while their parents were getting ready the twins were hanging out in their dad’s study.

“So what do you think this is all about.” David asked.

“I don’t know I hope we aren’t in trouble.”

“I wouldn’t be I don’t do anything wrong you on the other hand are trouble with a capital T.”

“Very funny. I have changed. I think I heard mom calling us. Lets go.”

02-02-15_10-24 AM

Pearl had told her youngest to go make pictures as presents for the twins to keep her occupied while they talked to them. She was more then happy to use her drawing table.

02-02-15_11-12 AM-2

” First off I wanted to let you two know you are not in trouble. We want to talk about who will take over the family home. I want this family to carry on and make a legacy for itself. I wanted to know if either one of you would want to be heir.” Pearl said and then waited for a response.

David was the first one to speak up.” Mom I don’t want to be heir nor do I want to married I planned on tell you I was moving out tomorrow with a friend of mine. He already got me and job and everything.”

“Oh ok what kind of job.”

“Just a job mom drop it.:”

Pearl didn’t like the sound of that but didn’t push him for further information.” What about you Clarissa?” Pearl asked turning to her oldest daughter.

” Mom I have had enough trouble with men in my life. I don’t want to get married let alone have kids. I want to focus on my career.  That said I know you both had Amelia at a late age so I am willing to stay and help till she is an adult. Then I will move out on my own.”

“So it is settled neither one of you want to be heir. Hopefully Amelia will. Thank you for staying Clarissa and David we will help you pack after the party and if you need anything we will always be a phone call away.”

“Thanks mom” Both Clarissa and David said in Unison and went to go finish setting up for the party.

02-02-15_11-21 AM

Pearl headed in to the kitchen and made a cake for each of her children chocolate for David and strawberry for Clarissa.  Then she headed to go get changed. She promised the twins that since it was their young adult birthdays she would bar tend for them.

2 comments on “1.19 The Heir Talk

  1. i have read this from the begging and it is brilliant every day I check for an update and cant wait for the next. you are a terrific writer and hope that you keep going with the story or many generations

    Liked by 1 person

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