1.30 Sick sense of Humor

* Authors note* This is the last chapter in Generation one.*

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Apparently Grim had a different Idea of what one more day meant.

“What NO YOU CAN”T TAKE HER YET. YOU PROMISED ME ONE MORE DAY!!!” Amelia screamed at him

“You are right child I did. I gave you the yesterday. Now it is midnight and it is time for me to take her soul.” Grim said with a chuckle.

“You are sick and twisted how can you do that.”

“I am Grim I can do as I please.”

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After Grim left Amelia stayed there crying over her mother’s urn mumbling to herself. “I need you. I’m not ready to do this all on my own mom.”

Amelia pulled herself together and headed down stairs for something to eat.

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Lee rolled over in bed and felt Pearl’s side of the bed empty. He looked around the room and noticed the Urn. He lost it “No I was suppose to die first not you. Please this can’t be happening.” Lee said in between sobs.

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Clarissa joined her sister in the dining room. “Why the long face?” Crystal asked.

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“Really you have no clue as to what is going on do you. Mom died twice today. I saved her once and Grim came back and took her away at midnight.”

“Wow slow down. Mom’s dead. Please tell me this is a joke.”

“No it is not a joke. She is gone and I don’t know what to do. I wasn’t ready to take on this legacy all alone just yet.”

“You are not alone. I will be here for as long as you need me. I made a promise to mom when you were a child. I told her I would take care of you when she was gone. I plan on keeping that promise.”

“You did that for me. Thank you. I love you big sis.”

“I love you too lil sis.” Amelia headed up to her art room. The place she always went when her emotions got the better of her. Clarissa stayed in the dinning room. Once Amelia was upstairs she let all the tears she had held back flow. She couldn’t believe her mom was gone. She had to tell David not like he would care though. He hasn’t called or stopped in days. She stayed in the dinning room till the tears stopped then headed to bed drained.

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After her talk with Clarissa Amelia felt a little bit better. She knew only time would heal her pain. She decided to write a song and name it after her mother. Amelia loved her mom. She was the greatest person she knew. She was so full of joy and life. She would try to make her mom proud and live up to her last name.

3 comments on “1.30 Sick sense of Humor

  1. At least Pearl had a good life.
    And Amelia will be interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

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