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1.24 Enjoy Life

02-09-15_1-23 PM

Pearl sat down with her daughter to discuss taking over the family legacy. “Amelia we need to talk. As you know your father and I are not getting any younger. We need someone to take over the family and continue our legacy.”

“What do you mean continue the legacy?”

“It means you will inherit everything that belonged to me and your father and you will take over continuing the family name.”

“You want me to carry on the family name. What about Clarissa and David don’t they want to be heir?”

“No they want nothing to do with it. The choice is up to you sweetie. You don’t have to be heir if you don’t want to.”

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“Mom I would love to be heir and I am glad you think I can do this. I just didn’t want any drama with my brother and sister. I will carry on the family name and make you and dad proud.”

Pearl breath a sigh of relief the family name would carry on and she didn’t have to worry anymore.”Thank you sweetie. I know you will make us proud.”

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After the heir talk Amelia headed up stairs to practice her guitar for a little while.

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She focused on her painting as well. She was going to get as many skills as she could so she could make her parents proud and make a name for herself in this legacy.

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The next morning over breakfast her dad voiced his concern for being cooped up in her art room all the time. “Kiddo you are spending way too much time in that art studio of yours. You need to get out and experience life.”

“Dad I need to focus on my skills if I am going to take over the legacy.”

“You have plenty of time for that. You are just a kid. Go and enjoy life. I’m not saying stop skilling but you need to actually get out and be social. Meet friends, go on dates, and have fun. There is plenty of time to be an adult when you are an adult.”

“I guess you are right dad. I’ll go out on Saturday take my paintings to the art gallery and see if I can sell some. Then I will go try and make friends.”

02-09-15_4-51 PM

Later on in the evening Pearl came to listen to Amelia play her violin. She loved listening to her play she was truly gifted when it came to music and art she was so proud of her daughter.

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