1.26 Friendship or Something More

02-14-15_4-40 PM

The next day Amelia headed to the museum to check it out and see if she could meet some more people. She spotted Casey over by the entrance. “Fancy seeing you here.” Amelia said as she walked up.

“Hey how’s it going?”

“Good I was just going to visit the museum to meet new people. What are you up to?”

“Nothing just walking around town.”

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“So you want to hang out sometime?” Casey asked as more people started joining the conversation. It was now or never.

“Sure here is my number. Call me anytime.”

“Thanks here is my number as well.”

02-14-15_4-43 PM

Amelia was just about to ask Casey to come visit the museum with her when she got a text. “Hey it’s mom can you come home.” “Casey it was nice to see you but I got to head home. I’ll see you around.” Amelia said and started down the street towards home.

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Once again Casey was left standing there watching her walk away. “Dang it. I really should have been more specific when I said do you want to hang out. Maybe if I go over to her house and ask her to go to the park with me she will agree.” Casey thought to himself.

02-14-15_4-50 PM

So with sweaty palms and his heart beating out his chest he knocked on Amelia’s front door.

“Who is it?” He heard Amelia call from inside.

“It’s Casey can I come in.”

“Sure I”m heading upstairs you can join me.”

02-14-15_4-51 PM

“Hey Amelia I was wondering if you would like to hang out now. Like go to the park.”

“I was just about to paint but I guess that can wait. Sure lets go.”

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It was dark when they arrived at the park so the two decided to do a little stargazing. They stared at the stars for hours. The ground was getting cold so they decided to head to a picnic table to talk.

02-14-15_5-01 PM

“So tell me a little bit about yourself.” Amelia said as they sat down.

“Well I’m always happy. I’m not creative like you I can’t even draw stick figures well. I am really clumsy I trip over my feet sometimes. I like reading books, and spending time with my family.”

“I’m sure I could give you some lessons in how to draw stick figures correctly.” Amelia said laughing.

“Ok your turn tell me about yourself.”

“I spend most of my time in my art room painting. My mom got me these sleep potions so I don’t have to sleep if I don’t want to. She thinks I am a little too obsessed with art. I am learning the guitar and violin. I want to learn the piano but I don’t have one at home. I play them when I am out and about in town. Which isn’t very often.”

“Wow you are really talented. Will you play for me sometime?”

“Um sure.”

“Great maybe the next time we hang out.”

“How about I play for you when I have written a song.”

“Ok sure. It is getting pretty late we both should head home. It was great hanging out with you Amelia. I”ll walk you home.”

“:Ok it was great hanging out with you too.”

02-14-15_5-06 PM

Back home Pearl and Lee were finding sometime for themselves. Even in old age they still love each other just as much.

2 comments on “1.26 Friendship or Something More

    That last picture is so cute!


  2. Lol you will find out how is goes later today. Thanks Lee and Pearl make such a great couple I will miss them. When they pass away.


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